Bouquet Floral Subscription


Enjoy flowers on a regular basis or treat someone special with our Christchurch Flower Subscription.

Send multiple beautiful bunches of our Florist’s Choice Bouquet to your home or office, or surprise someone special with this gift. Bouquets arrive fresh in a water pack, wrapped in paper with plush white tissue ready to place in a vase.

Every week, months or fortnight, we will create bouquets using fresh blooms.You can let us know any preferences in the order notes so we can tailor your bouquet to suit your preferred colours and avoid any flowers you don’t like. The one easy payment includes our Christchurch suburban delivery fee.

How It Works:

  • Flexible Delivery Options: Choose from weekly, fortnightly, or monthly delivery, and select how many deliveries you’d like.
  • Easy Scheduling: Your first delivery day becomes your default day for all subsequent deliveries (e.g., Wednesdays). Deliveries occur between 9 AM–6 PM and are left in a secure, weather-protected spot if you’re unavailable.
  • Pause or Adjust Anytime: Simply email us 3 days before your scheduled delivery if you need to pause or modify your subscription at Please note, we take a break over Christmas and New Year (approximately 3 weeks) and public holidays. Deliveries resume on your usual schedule once we reopen.
Number of Deliveries

4, 8, 10, 12


Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly

Due to Weddings and events we're closed for deliveries and pickups in Christchurch, this Friday 28 March.